Friday, 4 June 2010

From Doogs ‘Mom’

Doogie will not be blogging for the foreseeable future. Doogie was bought for my son by my parents but had lived with me from his first day with us. My son does not live with me as I have been battling cancer for since 2008 and have not been able to give my son the level of care he needed so Doog was a major joy in a dark time for me. But now my Mom and son want him to live with my son and as I have no legal right to Doogie who am I to argue. Doogs is very happy with my parents and Ben so he is fine but I can no longer continue to help him with his blog as I have no words anymore.

This is not an easy entry for me because Doogie has been such a major part of my life and I love him very, very much.

So for now his blog is closed.

Doogie & Molly’s Mom

Please check out Molly’s blog as that is most definitely still going strong

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Wordless Wednesday









Monday, 31 May 2010

Meditation Monday

I have had a nice couple of days with lots of cuddles from nanny. Have seen lots of Tommy as well which is tiring. It is very odd without Daddy Ben here as there is no one making lots of noise…. he calls it singing personally I think he sounds like those blessed felines that yowl so much.

Nanny is a little concerned about my Mom again I think as she spoke to Daddy Steve today and I don’t think my Mom is feeling too good again. It’s a shame as I was hoping to see her really soon and if she is feeling poopy I will have to wait longer until I see her .

Anyway that’s about it at the moment I think Molly has more going on in her life at this time than I do, hope she is alright I am missing her you know.

Tatty Bye

            Love ‘n’ Licks


Sunday, 30 May 2010

Sneaky Sunday

Right Gramps is out but he won’t be long so I am going to have to type fast. I am having a pawesome vacation at nanny’s house. Getting major fuss-age and cuddle which is always acceptable. I am seeing lots and lots of my cousin Tommy and we are having great fun running about and playing like mad thing from mad-top-ia and then sleeping like logs together. I am missing Daddy Steve, Mom and Molly but I will see them very soon. Daddy Ben went away yesterday and I miss him lots when he isn’t here however he will be back soon as he has only gone to his Dad’s for a few days.

    I am feeling like I missed out yesterday because of not being able to blog hop properly, I look forward to meeting new friends and was sad not to participate fully. Well paws crossed for the next hop any how.

Apart from Playing with Tommy and getting really spoilt not much has happened really.

Tatty Bye

             Love ‘n’ Licks
