Saturday, 8 May 2010

Ohhhhhhh !

I have just read my friend Dory’s blog and found out about the Pawdance Film Fest and I think I am going to enter tonight. I am going to need to get Mom and Daddy Steve to help me choose which movie to enter but I rather like my nocturnal snow pup one

What do you all think ?

Mom seems to think I should enter this next one if there is a comedy category

I think that is a bit off though……… Silly Mom I always look cute even if I am wet through.

Molly thinks I should use this one, she hasn’t seen it obviously but she thinks everyone should see me in my first ever pool.

I would really like your thoughts one which one to use.

Tatty Bye ( for now )


           Love ‘n’ Licks


Friday, 7 May 2010

Funky Friday

Woohoo I have sneaked onto my Gramps pc he will get say I am well cheeky if he catches me. I have spoken to my Mom since she got back from the hopsital and she is ok tired but ok. She took Miss Molly out for her first trip to town before she started feeling all pants from her jollop. Molls went and met Chrissie at Kissiboo and she got bought a little red dress with white spots on it and I bet she will look super cute in it too.They met Daddy Steve for coffee before they came home. Molls and Mom are resting now as Molls is worn out from her trip and Mom is starting to feel a bit poopy now. At least Mom won’t have me bouncing all over her for a couple of days and Miss Molls gets Mom all to herself while I am away getting spoilt by Nanny. I get to meet my cousin Tommy tomorrow he belongs to my nanny’s sister, she has just bought herself something called a caravan. It is like a tin house, long and thin but comfy and good fun I stayed in one last year and had a great time. Tommy is a King Charles Cavalier and he is quite bouncy by all accounts and not to sure how much I am going to like that so watch this space.

My Mom has been a bit down in the dumps as she is getting very fed up with her treatment but hopefully it will be all over soon and she will slowly start to get back to her old self again. Then we will be going for walks on the beach and bone hunting with Daddy Steve. I think we may have to invest in a doggy stroller for Molly though as she won’t be able to cope with long walks and we are a family and we want to go out as one..

Anyway I can hear Gramps coming so I have to run now.

Tatty Bye


           Love ‘n’ Licks



Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thankful Thursday

Oh my goodness me, Mom was really tired when I woke her up so Daddy Steve got up with me so Mom could have another little sleep. After I had been downstairs for a while me and Daddy Steve took Mom a drink up and something very surprising happened I was on the bed with Mom and all of a sudden a little black nose poked up over the edge of the bed. My cheeky minx of a big/little sister had followed us up the stairs, now call me mean but upstairs is my special place with my Mom and I wasn’t too happy but Mom just cuddled me and said it’s ok and she got up and came downstairs with us all. It isn’t that I don’t want Molls upstairs but I like having a special private place with my Mom somewhere for just us. I am used to having my Mom all to myself and even though I love Molly Pops I do find it tough sharing my Mom sometimes and I do need MY time with her. Molly’s tummy has settled down again now I think her medicine has worked well and she has started feeling hungry again which is cool. We have been very worried about her while she was poorly and I am very glad she is better now. I am off to my nanny and granddad’s tomorrow as Mom has to go to the hopsital for her jollop, it will be nice for me to get a bit more spoilt at Nanny’s and it also means Molly gets Mom to herself for a couple of days so we all win . I went out for a little while with Mom and we met Daddy Steve from work and I was a bit of a pickle for Mom ( hehehehe ) . When we got back Miss Molly Pops had done the most monumental poop I have ever seen in the kitchen and she tiddled with excitement when we came in bless her. Mom didn’t fuss though she just cleaned up and carried on as normal. The Divine Miss M had a posh tea tonight, it was nature diet, pedigree mixer, chicken, boiled rice and polenta all in an effort to firm her outgoings up. All I can say thank goodness mine are ok ‘cos’ I really don’t fancy that at all, I like my chicken, nature diet and mixer thank you very much. Anyway I am off for my tea now as the ding machine has dinged which means the chicken is cooked nummy nummy is all I can say.

I will try and sneak onto Gramps’s pc at the weekend so I can post but he isn’t keen on me using it…… no idea why but he did moan that I left a soggy pigs ear next to his keyboard the last time I used it, Why that would be a problem is beyond me.

Tatty Bye

                    Love ‘n’ Licks


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday




Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Teeth,tums and runny bums

I got Mom up this morning and when we went downstairs my sis had pooped a lot and some of it was red. So Mom took Molly Pops to the vet and she now has even more medicines she will rattle soon.  My poor big/little sis has some nasty things in her mouth as well and they are what is giving her serious dog breath, Mom says they are called aby-sess and she may need to have toothy peg work done in the future. She didn’t want any breakfast or lunch so neither did I ( I can afford to lose a little bit ). While Molls was resting this afternoon Mom took me on a bus to town as she had to pick up a shirt for me and one for Molls that fitted so I now have a nice turquoise shirt with ‘I am cute ‘ in sparkly words and Moll has one in same colour that says Daddy’s girl.  Chrissie the super lady who owns Kissiboo gave Molly a lovely pink coat with flowers on and me a security guard hoodie I am going to look so tough well I will try anyway. I don’t think Mom is feeling too good today as she looks tired but I have not had my funny feeling so I know she is not going to have a wobble but I will keep my eye on her all the same. She says I am her superstar ‘cos’ I know when she is going to wobble and I warn her so she can sit or lay down. Now Mom thinks I do it to stop her hurting herself ……. No way my Mom is a big woman and if she fell on me that would blooming hurt me so I am doing it to save me getting squished but don’t tell Mom it won’t do to upset her seeing as she is the one that feeds me.

While we were out Molls ate my lunch but that is fine as long as she eats something and she is now curled up in one of her beds sleeping and I am rather sleepy too now. I think that is all for now but will get Mom or Daddy Steve to take some pictures of us in our new clothes .

Tatty Bye

                Love ‘n’ Licks



Monday, 3 May 2010

Dr Doog’s is on call

It has been a long day today so not going to be a long post tonight. Mom is very tired as she was up very early with me and Molls. Molls still had a runny tummy last night but not as bad as before. She a good breakfast of rice and nature diet food and she was a lot brighter thankfully ( I was very worried for my big/little sister ). Mom has kept Molls on the half dose of her insoolin jection as it seems fine. Molls is not drinking excessively or weeing more so Mom thinks it will be ok until we hear about Molls test results later in the week.

Uncle Fred & Aunty Wilma came visiting today which was great I love it when they come and I know Mom & Daddy Steve do too.

Miss Molly is still wearing my Mummy’s boy shirt as she does feel the cold and she looks kinda cute in it too. Mom gave her a bath today as her rear end was a bit whiffy and when she was all wet what fur she had went almost invisible and she looked really, really small. I have to say this though for a little tiny cute lady Molly really has got a stinky bum,Her bottom pops make Mom’s eyes water and she stinks the house out. Even though I don’t like the pong it makes me laugh to see the look on Mom’s face when the smell hits her nose.

I am off to bed now .

Tatty Bye

                    Love ‘n’ Licks


Sunday, 2 May 2010

Just call me Doogie Bowser MD

I woke Mom up at 4am as I needed a wee but she was fine with it and we came right back to bed until 8 which was a far more civilised time to get up on a Sunday morning. When we got downstairs a bit of a pong hit us and we thought oh-oh, The were big puddles ( yes puddles ) of poop on the floor. My big/little sis isn’t well. Mom called Daddy Steve down to keep his eye on us while she cleaned up. She then boiled up some rice for Molly as that is good for upset tums. Trouble was Molls didn’t want to eat or drink anything so Mom was worried about giving her her insoolin jection. But after Mom and Daddy Steve had spoken to Eileen and Chris from LDR and a bit of research on the net Molls had a reduced dose of her jection. Molls also had some anti poop medicine but she sicked that up. She has spent most of the day snuggled under a blankie sleeping and Mom has been giving her water from a syringe so she didn’t get d-hide-rated. She still had a runny behind though and Mom got some advice from the vet which made her relax a little. Molly’s Cushion tablets can help her sweet stuff levels which means she would not need so much insoolin. So we need to wait for her test results. She managed to drink some water all by herself this afternoon and she has now eaten some rice with nature diet in it. I have been very worried about her and have spent most of the day laying on the sofa backrest watching over her. My Molly takes everything in her stride though, I would have been a right whinger if it had been me.

I am off now back to watch over my sis.

Tatty Bye


               Love ‘n’ Licks

