Saturday, 22 May 2010

Blog Hop Saturday

I am joining in the fun of The Saturday Blog Hop today I only hope I manage to do this right

petbloggerhoppinkcopy .

I am still at my Nanny's house as Molly is still under the weather but she is improving which is good to hear. Mom told me that she woken up at silly o'clock by strange barking only to find it was Molly so Mom and Daddy Steve raced down the stairs to find the postie. He had a parcel and in it was a super dooper light up gadget-y light up leash for Daddy Steve to take me out at night and keep me safe plus Daddy S loves all things techie and gadget-y.
Mom says she is feeling a bit poopy today ( which did make me BOL after the week she has had with my little problem and Molly having an upset tummy too ) but that is ‘cos’ she got jolloped up yesterday at the hopsital place. She has promised she is going to show me how to use the small picture box soon so I can put pictures I have taken with my own paws instead of ones she has taken so hopefully then I can put some funny ones of her on here. Until then though I will have to content myself with getting my paws on old ones from her many, many long years in the world I am hoping to find some dodgy ones of when she was a pup so watch this space as I have heard she was a funny looking puppy. Hope it doesn't ruin my treat privileges though .

For now I am going to content myself with posting this one of my Mom when she was a lot, lot, lot younger.


Hope it gives you a giggle.

Tatty Bye

              Love ‘n’ Licks


Friday, 21 May 2010

Blast got to be quick before I get caught

Well as you know I am at my Nanny’s house and I kept them awake a lot last night and I feel a bit guilty but I was so itchy and no I do not have any little bug-e-fied visitors I just get itchy skin. Nanny got me some special stuff to drink to try and help stop it today and I do hope it works. Mom said Molly is a little better today and I am so glad as I hate it when she isn’t well but Mom says we have to expect this because of the Cushions disease she has. I think that sucks for Molly Pops though and I don’t like it on her behalf.

I am not going to be able to post very long entries while here as Gamps get so miffed when I am on his laptop so I had better go now as he is coming.

Have a fabulous woofy weekend everyone.

Tatty Bye

               Love ‘n’ Licks


Thursday, 20 May 2010

No Post

today as my little/big sister is really poorly and it was upsetting me so much that Mom thought it would be best if I went to stay with my nanny.Will let you know how things go.

Please send healing vibes to my sis Molly.

Bye for now


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday


I am not going to rise to being baited by my big/little sister, I shall let her have her fun.

Enjoying the rays on her fur today




Bookends is what Mom says we are.


                 Love ‘n’ Licks



Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Blooming Cheeky Yorkie Girl

After all I have done for her teaching her to touch paw type and how to make pretty thing-a-ma-jigs for her blog and sharing my Mom and MY sofa with her she goes and does what she has. Her first post told everyone about a certain predicament I had today with what my Mom has named after a man with a wrinkled head called Woolf who is something named a Klingon in some weird thing on the picture box machine. Now I know I am not happy she has done this but to be honest I would have done the same thing to her and I suspect she did it to get her own back on me for my nose being a wee bit eager to sniff at her girly bits & bobs. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you though tee hee, I think she has learned from me far too well is all I can woof on the subject now. See how cheeky she is getting she not only hogs my sofa but she sits on my Mom and I know Mom is big but we can’t both fit on her !


My friend Dory has a new little brother called Jacob and he look like he is going keep her and Bilbo on their toes. I do wonder how I would have reacted if Mom had bought home someone younger and bouncier, if it had been before I met my cousin Tommy Mom would have thought I would not have enjoyed it but now I think she would say maybe it would be ok as we play so well together. Maybe she will think about getting me a brother ‘cos’ I think I would like that, to have someone to romp with. I didn’t think Mom or me realised it until Molly Pops came and I kept trying to get her to play with me. I think I am going to have to work my charm on her.

Anyway that is all for tonight and I shall be keeping my beady gorgeous brown eyes on Miss Molly Pops posts and I hope you all do too.

Tatty Bye

                 Love ‘n’ Licks


Monday, 17 May 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays

Well my appetite returned this morning and I ate a hearty breakfast of chicken with the spiffy special powder on it Mom buys me, Molly didn’t eat as heartily as normal so she had something extra at noon she had a little pasta which she liked a lot… can’t say I am that keen myself though. It has been a fairly sunny & warm day today so The Divine Miss M had been in the nudey rudey today and she had a nice lay in the sun this morning. It’s alright for her she isn’t as hairy as me and I just get all hot and bothered but and that is a BIG BUT like my mom’s she is getting hairier well kind of. Her fur she has is getting longer and she is getting some fuzz where she didn’t have any before so she still has a long way to go. The visitor we had today said she may never get all her fur back but we said we didn’t care one bit ‘cos’ we love her as she is.

You are all wondering who our visitor is I bet ( well she caught Mom still in her pj’s at around four o’clock and boy was Mom embarrassed ). Well it was Eileen who looked after Molly before us and who co founded The Little Dog Rescue she popped in a collecting tin for Daddy Steve to put in Super Sue’s shop in Hythe.Eileen said Molly was looking really good and she could see she was happy with us and I have to admit Mom and I both felt relieved Eileen was pleased. I know I sometimes get a bit huffy and feel like I am being a bit left out but I do love Molly lots and so does Mom and Daddy Steve and I really don’t know what I would do if she left our home. It would not be the same without her.

Mom and I had a go at cutting the grass today as it was getting so long we almost disappeared from view when we went for a pee and as for Mom finding our poops well needle and haystack come to mind. Mom is regretting now as she is hurting but she says it doesn’t matter as long as things are right for me and Molly.

Anyway I can hear the stones outside crunching which means Daddy Steve is home so I am off.

Tatty Bye

             Love ‘n’ Licks


Sunday, 16 May 2010

Lazy Sunday

I am still not feeling quite myself and Mom still can’t put her finger on what it is that ails me but she is looking after me well and has said she will take me to the Dr Blokey if I am not my usual self soon. Can’t say I am looking forward to that as I know he will stick that thing-a- ma-doo-dad up my behind and I really do not like that so hopefully I will feel better before that happens crossed-paws paws crossed anyway.

I forgot to tell you all that Molly went missing on Friday night Mom and Daddy Steve were yapping away to each other when Mom asked where Molly was and they could not find her, she wasn’t in the house and we could not see her in the garden but after calling her  a couple of times Mom her a noise on our top patio. Molly had taken herself into the garden and had somehow made her way up to the top patio and had got herself round the corner of the wall and could not find the steps back down. To say we were relieved would be putting it mildly, a big phew was said by all I can woof you.

Daddy Steve let Mom have a bit of a lay in this morning and when he woke her up he had some gn Molly had managed to get herself back over the wall from the lawn for the first time with no encouragement. This is a fantastic achievement for her and we are all very proud of her.

I used Mom’s picture machine and took a super piccy of her in the garden today and thought I would share it with you all, I think she looks so pretty in it, what do you think ?


Mom was a bit peeved with me for snaffling her picture machine but she soon forgave me when she saw the picture, she then took one of both of us and I really, really like this one.


Mom says we are the most bee-yoo-ti-ful doglets in the universe but then she would wouldn’t she ?

Mom, Molls and I have missed Daddy Steve this weekend as he has been out playing with his little people on both days and normally he is only out playing on one of them. But he should be home before long and he will get big luvs from us when he gets here. Mom has been looking a posh new tags for us both and she has seen some really lovely onespink_hearty_tag_03 purple_heart_circle_03 pink_circle_bone_03 purple_glitter_bone_circle_ but she isn’t sure which one she likes best yet however she says she really like this one for me im_not_fat_03 talk about a blooming cheek is all I can say. Hope you have all had a spiffy weekend.

Tatty Bye

          Love ‘n’ Licks
