I am joining in the fun of The Saturday Blog Hop today I only hope I manage to do this right
I am still at my Nanny's house as Molly is still under the weather but she is improving which is good to hear. Mom told me that she woken up at silly o'clock by strange barking only to find it was Molly so Mom and Daddy Steve raced down the stairs to find the postie. He had a parcel and in it was a super dooper light up gadget-y light up leash for Daddy Steve to take me out at night and keep me safe plus Daddy S loves all things techie and gadget-y.
Mom says she is feeling a bit poopy today ( which did make me BOL after the week she has had with my little problem and Molly having an upset tummy too ) but that is ‘cos’ she got jolloped up yesterday at the hopsital place. She has promised she is going to show me how to use the small picture box soon so I can put pictures I have taken with my own paws instead of ones she has taken so hopefully then I can put some funny ones of her on here. Until then though I will have to content myself with getting my paws on old ones from her many, many long years in the world I am hoping to find some dodgy ones of when she was a pup so watch this space as I have heard she was a funny looking puppy. Hope it doesn't ruin my treat privileges though .
For now I am going to content myself with posting this one of my Mom when she was a lot, lot, lot younger.
Hope it gives you a giggle.
Tatty Bye
Love ‘n’ Licks