I am still not feeling quite myself and Mom still can’t put her finger on what it is that ails me but she is looking after me well and has said she will take me to the Dr Blokey if I am not my usual self soon. Can’t say I am looking forward to that as I know he will stick that thing-a- ma-doo-dad up my behind and I really do not like that so hopefully I will feel better before that happens
paws crossed anyway.
I forgot to tell you all that Molly went missing on Friday night Mom and Daddy Steve were yapping away to each other when Mom asked where Molly was and they could not find her, she wasn’t in the house and we could not see her in the garden but after calling her a couple of times Mom her a noise on our top patio. Molly had taken herself into the garden and had somehow made her way up to the top patio and had got herself round the corner of the wall and could not find the steps back down. To say we were relieved would be putting it mildly, a big
was said by all I can woof you.
Daddy Steve let Mom have a bit of a lay in this morning and when he woke her up he had some
Molly had managed to get herself back over the wall from the lawn for the first time with no encouragement. This is a fantastic achievement for her and we are all very proud of her.
I used Mom’s picture machine and took a super piccy of her in the garden today and thought I would share it with you all, I think she looks so pretty in it, what do you think ?
Mom was a bit peeved with me for snaffling her picture machine but she soon forgave me when she saw the picture, she then took one of both of us and I really, really like this one.
Mom says we are the most bee-yoo-ti-ful doglets in the universe but then she would wouldn’t she ?
Mom, Molls and I have missed Daddy Steve this weekend as he has been out playing with his little people on both days and normally he is only out playing on one of them. But he should be home before long and he will get big luvs from us when he gets here. Mom has been looking a posh new tags for us both and she has seen some really lovely ones
but she isn’t sure which one she likes best yet however she says she really like this one for me
talk about a blooming cheek is all I can say. Hope you have all had a spiffy weekend.
Tatty Bye
Love ‘n’ Licks